The End: Day 1

So this is it.

The second to last post of my “end of teenage years” countdown.

In less an hour I will officially be 20. (Well actually you’d have to ask my mom as to when the exact official moment is, but as far as the legalities of it matters, that will be the time.)

It’s crazy to think that this little project that I started back in January while still on winter break is coming to an end. And what’s even crazier to think about is that it’s been two whole decades of me being a dork. Amazing.

I feel like I haven’t really changed that much since the beginning of this project, I mean honestly 100 days isn’t that long of a time, but I feel like everything around me has changed a lot. The weather is now absolutely lovely (I suppose that’s what happens when you go from winter to spring…). There’s only 4 more weeks of the semester left and I only have about 3 more big projects left to do which is both exciting and terrifying at the same time.

I’ve already started getting antsy for summer, I can’t wait to have free time to do art projects that I’ve been saving up. (I’m super jacked about some of the ideas I have floating around and just want to paint RIGHT NOW.) I am also oddly excited for my summer class, which is going to be a intro to graphic design course, and to live in Iowa City for a little bit when normal school isn’t in session. I can’t wait to see what Iowa City is like in the summertime when there aren’t as many hooligans running around.

Tomorrow I get to register for fall and summer classes (at 6:30 am…I can’t promise I’ll be up and ready to register right when it opens up but we’ll see.) Like I said, I’m a nerd and I love registering for classes. And what’s pretty cool is if I take 2 journalism classes and 3 art classes for the next 3 semesters, I’ll be able to graduate right on time, a semester early.

I’m really happy with the journalism skills I’ve gained throughout this semester and I feel like I might actually be able to do okay in this field. I wasn’t quite confident in them enough yet though to look for a summer internship, but next summer I’ll need to look for one for sure. (I also really wanted to work at the bar again this summer…)

Speaking of working at the bar, I need to remember to stop in when I go back home for Mollie’s prom and be like “what’s uppp pls let me work here again”. I’m also really looking forward to working on my photography final project that weekend and taking pictures of Mollie and Jake and their friends being teenage hoodlums for my future series titled “Teenagers: The Kids Will Be Alright” (title is a work in progress). And to see Mollie all gorgeous, of course. (I’m doing her hair and makeup so of course she’s going to be flawless.)

So yeah, that’s where I’m at as of right this moment at 11:51 pm on this lovely April evening. Tomorrow will be my last post of this series. Let’s think of this post as part 1 of 2, like a before and after if you will. So if you’re reading this you might as well stop back for tomorrow’s post. See you then.

Also my roommates are the best and made this super adorable cake.



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Credit for feature image (x)

4 thoughts on “The End: Day 1

  1. and you were in a jelly bean blanket or outfit and hat for Easter, I think it was Good Friday when you were born!, ask Mom!

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